Interested in transferring your prescriptions to a local pharmacy? Our pharmacies are located throughout Minnesota and are a premier center of health for all. We take pride in our communities and want to make sure your health is proactively cared for.

What Is Telepharmacy?
Through the use of state-of-the-art telecommunications technology, GuidePoint pharmacists are able to provide pharmaceutical care to patients at a distance in Longville, Edgerton, and Fulda.
Licensed pharmacists provide traditional pharmacy services, including drug utilization review, prescription verification, and patient counseling to a remote site via telepharmacy technology. Retaining the active role of the pharmacist helps assure the delivery of safe, high-quality pharmacy services that can be at risk when the pharmacist is left out as in the case of internet and mail-order pharmacies.
“Telepharmacy is a great way to restore and retain pharmacy services for many remote rural communities throughout the state. Telepharmacy services produce the same quality as the traditional mode of delivery and provide some value-added features that are not found in traditional pharmacy practice.”
– Dr. Charles D. Peterson
Dean, Professor, NDSU College of Pharmacy, Nursing, and Allied Sciences
Rural Community Assistance
For rural communities, a telepharmacy means:
- Local access to a pharmacist and pharmacy services
- Safe, timely delivery of medications
- Enhanced economic development through new businesses and added jobs
- Better climate for recruiting and retaining health care providers
- Increased potential for attracting new businesses and families to the community
Contact the pharmacy for more information.